Famous People Biography of world

 Famous People Biography of world, Famous biography
Famous People Biography of world 

Title: Devanam Priyadarshi

Birth: 304 B.C.

Birthplace: Pataliputra (modern day Patna)

Dynasty: Maurya

Parents: Bindusara and Devi Dharma

Reign: 268 –232 B.C.

Symbol: Lion

Religion: Buddhism

Spouse: Asandhimitra, Devi, Karuvaki, Padmavati, Tishyaraksha

Children: Mahendra, Sanghamitra, Tivala, Kunala, Charumati

Ashoka was an Indian emperor of the Maurya Dynasty. He lived around the third century BC (c 269 BCE to 232 BCE). He was a powerful king and reigned over a realm covering much of the Indian sub-continent. On taking the throne, he sought to extend his power and kingdom; he launched a bloody and destructive campaign against the state of Kalinga on the east coast. In this campaign, Ashoka’s army killed many thousands of people. However, after witnessing the aftermath of the destructive war he became aware of the great suffering he had caused. His remorse caused him to completely change course and embrace Buddhism. After his conversion to Buddhism, he forsook his wars of conquest and became devoted to the Buddhist principles of non-violence. He established schools and hospitals for the poor and built many Buddhist temples across the Indian sub-continent.

He was highly regarded in his lifetime for his enlightened rule and concern for his citizens. It completed one of the most remarkable transformations of any political leaders. In later life, he was referred to as Priyadarsin (“He who regards everyone with affection”. His ‘Ashoka Chakra’ was adopted as the symbol of Independent India in 1947.

Childhood & Early Life

Ashoka was the grandson of Chandragupta Maurya who founded the Mauryan dynasty. His father was Bindusara (Vindusar), who was widely considered to be a good ruler of the kingdom. His mother was Empress SubhadrangÄ«, a Hindu Brahmin. He had several half-brothers and sisters from his father’s other wife. Ashoka was a fierce fighter and hunter, with great military prowess. He was given military training and responsibility for maintaining order in local provinces.

Compared to his siblings, Ashoka was considered ugly, and when young he resented their comparable popularity.

On the death of his father, there was a power struggle for the throne. Stories from the time, suggest Ashoka killed his siblings and the legitimate heir to the throne in his remorseless quest for power. He was crowned king in 269 BCE, four years after his succession to power, suggesting a prolonged power struggle.

After ascending to the throne, Ashoka extended the borders of his Empire, taking Assam in the East and Iran in the West. His realm extended over much of the Indian sub-continent, except Tamil areas in the very south and in (modern day) Sri Lanka.

Major Battles 

Kalinga (modern-day Odisha and Andhra) was a province on the east coast of India. It had a strong Buddhist following and was ruled by a monarchy and parliamentary democracy – which was unusually democratic for the time. However, with Ashoka’s great military strength, he succeeded in conquering and defeating this province. It is said up to 100,000 soldiers were killed, and more deported. On entering the city, Ashoka was moved by the extent of the destruction and suffering he had caused.


After the war of Kalinga, Ashoka controlled all the Indian subcontinent except for the extreme southern part and he could have easily controlled that remaining part as well, but he decided not to. Some versions say that Ashoka was sickened by the slaughter of the war and refused to keep on fighting. Whatever his reasons were, Ashoka stopped his expansion policy and India turned into a prosperous and peaceful place for the years to come

Ashoka began to issue one of the most famous edicts in the history of government and instructed his officials to carve them on rocks and pillars, in line with the local dialects and in a very simple fashion. In the rock edicts, Ashoka talks about religious freedom and religious tolerance, he instructs his officials to help the poor and the elderly, establishes medical facilities for humans and animals, commands obedience to parents, respect for elders, generosity for all priests and ascetic orders no matter their creed, orders fruit and shade trees to be planted and also wells to be dug along the roads so travellers can benefit from them.

However attractive all this edicts might seem, the reality is that some sectors of Indian society were truly upset about them. Brahman priests saw in them a serious limitation to their ancient ceremonies involving animal sacrifices, since the taking of animal life was no longer an easy business and hunters along with fishermen were equally angry about this. Peasants were also affected by this and were upset when officials told them that “chaff must not be set on fire along with the living things in it”. Brutal or peaceful, it seems that no ruler can fully satisfy the people

Conversion to Buddhism

One legend tells how Ashoka was walking around the vanquished city, when he heard a Buddhist monk softly chanting a Buddhist mantra “Buddham saranam gacchami, I take refuge in Lord Buddha.”

On hearing this, Ashoka was deeply moved and he spoke to the Buddhist monk Upagupta, saying he wished to learn more. After this incident, Ashoka began his conversion to Buddhism. He sought to relinquish his bloodthirsty past, but live according to the Buddhist principles of compassion and non-violence.

As Ashoka became a devout Buddhist, his reign changed dramatically. He gave up the wars of conquest but sought to provide better public services (hospital and schools) for his citizens. He travelled extensively throughout India and Ceylon building many temples and statues to the Buddha. He had inscribed in many places “Ahingsha parama dharma, Non-violence is the greatest virtue.”

He also issued edicts against Vedic animal sacrifices and supported the welfare of animals. This included the banning of hunting and the slaughter of common cattle. Ashoka also emphasised the importance of religious tolerance and respect for other religions and teachers. Although Ashoka was a Buddhist he was on friendly terms with other religious groups, especially Hindu monks and may have incorporated aspects of Hinduism into his worldview.

Ashoka also had many edicts and teachings inscribed in pillars and rocks. For example, Ashoka’s Major Rock Edict at Junagadh. This gives a lot of information about his reign, which might otherwise have slipped out of knowledge.

An important political development of Ashoka was that he sought to legitimise the rule of a king, not through a divine right, but through adherence to Buddhist scriptures and the Buddhist community. In many Southeast Asian countries, it became common for the king to rule in association with the Buddhist religious community.

Emperor Ashoka had many wives and children. His first wife was Vidisha Mahadevi Shakyakumari Asandhimitra. She bore him twins – Mahindra and Sanghamitra. Ashoka entrusted these two to spread Buddhism in Sri Lanka, where they proved successful.

Ashoka created the “Ashoka Chakra” – the wheel of righteousness or wheel of dharma; this was accepted as the national symbol of India and features on her flag since independence in August 1947

After his death, the Mauryan empire only lasted another 50 years, but Ashoka became remembered as one of the most exemplary rulers in history. He also helped to propagate Buddhism amongst the Indian sub-continent, especially in Sri Lanka.


He is said to have built 84,000 stupas to store the relics of Buddha and also as places of meditation, across South Asia and Central Asia for Buddhist monks.

His ‘Ashoka Chakra’ or ‘the wheel of righteousness’, widely inscribed on many relics of the Mauryan Emperor (most prominent among them is the Lion Capital of Sarnath and The Ashoka Pillar), was adopted into the Indian flag.
Biography of the great people of world, biography famous people
Askoka's pillar

The pillar edicts or Ashokstambha, measuring 40 to 50 feet high, were erected in all places bordering the Mauryan Empire, reaching as far as Nepal, Pakistan and Afghanistan, although only ten of them survive to date.

He administered the construction of a sculpture of four lions standing back to back, known as the Lion Capital of Ashoka, atop the Ashoka pillar at Sarnath (Varanasi, Uttar Pradesh). It is the national emblem of India.

The Lion Capital can be found at the Sarnath Museum, while the Ashoka pillar, also called Ashoka column, is still intact at its original location.

He oversaw the construction of ‘viharas’ or intellectual hubs – Nalanda University and Taxila University, stupas – Dhamek stupa, Bharhut stupa, Sannati stupa, Butkara stupa, Barabar Caves, Mahabodhi Temple, and Sanchi.


Milan Tomic

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